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Advanced Filmmakers hit the road, film four scenes in Lowell

The Advanced Filmmakers Program has always aimed to provide real-world experiences and push students to grow as artists. One of our goals from the beginning of the Advanced Filmmakers program was to give our students the opportunity to experience filming off-site, away from WCTV, and on a Sunday night, we did just that with J.T., Dom, Justin, and C.J. filming four scenes in an office building in Lowell, with permission.

This experience allowed them to immerse themselves in a professional environment that brought their work to life. It even gave Dom’s younger brother, Leo, a cameo role.

Shooting on-site in Lowell has been a rewarding experience, not just for those four students but for the entire program. The city’s unique blend of old mill buildings, cobblestone streets, and riverside views has provided an authentic backdrop that’s hard to replicate in a studio setting.

As we leave Lowell behind (for now) we carry forward the lessons learned and the bonds we’ve formed. Here’s to the next stage of our journey, and the stories yet to be told.

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