WCTV's Advanced Filmmakers Program wrapped up its first day with a blend of obstacles and achievements.
One major challenge was getting a handle on the 114-page screenplay written by student JT Kilburn. Breaking down the screenplay required significant planning and adjustment. Figuring out how to keep a large group of students engaged, and coordinate shoots so that everyone is showcased was a production jigsaw puzzle.
However, amidst the difficulties, there were notable highlights. A standout moment was JT and Dominic Bonanno successfully completing a complex shoot in which they recreated the iconic opening montage from The Sopranos, but with a twist: substituting Wilmington and its landmarks for those featured in the original sequence. We and wait to see the final edit.
Day 2 in the morning. GIn the meantime, here’s look at the original scene that inspired some of todays shoot. https://youtu.be/mJpNmYeooQE?si=EzPisaPWlvdbpMV-